The Better Startup Workshop:
How Diversity & Inclusion can help you succeed 

Are you curious about whether and how Diversity & Inclusion can benefit your startup? Do you support D&I, but don’t know where to find talent from diverse backgrounds? Are you looking for ways to make your company a more inclusive and welcoming environment?

Regardless of how you feel about D&I, we welcome you to attend our Better Startup workshop, where you will learn how D&I can help you grow a happier and more successful company. Over one interactive hour, our team will introduce you to actionable frameworks and provide tools and resources to empower your team. 

Key Takeaways

  • How D&I will have a measurable impact on your startup's growth and ability to succeed 

  • Why it is important to embrace D&I from the start, rather than try to “fix it later”

  • Policies, benefits and initiatives that will make your company more inclusive, increasing the satisfaction and retention of your team 


  • Invites to join regularly scheduled “Office Hours” where you can privately discuss challenges and ask our team questions related to diversity and inclusion.

  • Access to our Better Startup Toolkit, an extensive directory of resources to help you identify talent from many different backgrounds, and a list of specific ideas for policies, benefits and initiatives that will make your company more inclusive and welcoming for everyone.

  • Opportunities to join webinars that explore common challenges startup teams face related to D&I.

Because these workshops are fully supported by the E.M. Kauffman Foundation, there are no costs and no strings attached. To help improve our workshops and to measure the impact of our work, we ask participants to fill out a brief survey after the workshop, and we will follow up after six months to find out whether you have hired any new employees.


In addition to our signature workshop, we also regularly conduct webinars on topics relevant to startups. These sessions provide a deeper dive into the areas they cover. Learn more about our webinars below.

Upcoming Webinars & Workshops

Check back soon for a schedule of our upcoming sessions.

We partner with accelerators, co-working spaces and other entrepreneurial support organizations to bring these workshops and important conversations into startup communities across the country. If you’re interested in partnering with us to bring Better Startup Workshop or one of our webinars to your community, please email

The Better Startup workshops are supported by a generous grant from the Kauffman Foundation.